Junior Alliance Valentine Service Project 2013

The students chose the NICU Department at Flagler Hospital to receive the Valentine treats  as a thanks to the staff "taking care of the babies"

River Region East Science Fair


The Medical Alliance presented cash awards to the first place winners in Medicine and Health at both the junior and senior levels in the Medicine and Health Category. The winners (both physician’s daughters) were Becky Volk, left, junior division; “Color Blindness Confusion” and Caroline Snowden, right, senior division.The overall senior winner was Caroline Snowden, a senior from Ponte Vedra High School. Her project dealt with “Epigenetic differences in fetal murine liver associated with transgenerational inheritance of metabolic disease.” It looked at the results of mice that did not get enough to eat while they were pregnant and how that translated to obesity and insulin resistance problems in future generations. These students will represent our region at the 58th State Science and Engineering Fair March 26, 2013. We are proud to have these two fine scientists represent our medical community.
Special thanks to Tessy Goyenechea-Dieguez, MD for representing us as a judge in this all-county science fair