St. Johns County Medical Alliance Receives Awards at the 2011 Florida Medical Association Alliance Annual Meeting

The St. Johns County Medical Alliance received four Awards of Excellence and two Awards of Recognition at the 2011 Florida Medical Association Alliance Annual Awards Luncheon in Orlando on July 30.

Awards of Excellence:
*First Place Community Service: Best Adult Oriented Program;
Doctors’ Day
*Second Place County Fund Raiser:
Holiday Wonderland Boutique
*Second Place Community Service: Best Youth Oriented Program;
"It's Silly to Bully: Band Together to Stop Cyber Bullying - It's not always easy to bounce back."
*Second Place Membership Development

Awards of Recognition:
*County Alliance Newsletter
*Best Health Grant Project: "It's Silly to Bully: Band Together to Stop Cyber Bullying - It's not always easy to bounce back."

SJCMA Delegates Stella Brown, Jeani Taliaferro, and Ainsley Warmuth attend Florida Medical Association Alliance Annual Meeting in Orlando

(L to R) Nancy Swikert, M.D., Southern Medical Association Alliance president; Joni Routman, Florida Medical Association Alliance (FMAA) incoming president; Ainsley Warmuth, St. Johns County Medical Alliance (SJCMA) incoming president; Shar Donovan, FMAA outgoing president; Stella Brown, outgoing SJCMA president & NE District VP FMAA; Emma Borders, American Medical Association Alliance president; Jeani Taliaferro, NE District VP FMAA

For over 80 years, the FMA Alliance has supported Florida patients, physicians, and their families. The organization represent physician spouses who advance health-related endeavors and engage in legislative advocacy. For more information about the FMA Alliance, go to